IGO’s Gun Rights Wrap-Up Before Tuesday’s Primary!

IGO’s Gun Rights Wrap-Up Before Tuesday’s Primary!

Dear Friend, Tuesday is election day here in Iowa! Across the state there are dozens of legislative primaries taking place, and the outcome of these races will determine the direction of our great Second Amendment for the next two years. Everyone knows that Joe Biden...
Why Won’t Jane Bloomingdale Answer Her Gun Rights Survey?

Why Won’t Jane Bloomingdale Answer Her Gun Rights Survey?

Iowa Gun Owners has been working around the clock for over a month surveying legislative and congressional candidates across the state. We asked them the same question: with the Second Amendment under non-stop attack, what will you do to fight to defend our right to...
💥 UN Small Arms Treaty Meeting NEXT MONTH!

💥 UN Small Arms Treaty Meeting NEXT MONTH!

Dear Gun Owner, In less than a month, the United Nations Small Arms working group will meet in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss the UN Small Arms Treaty! Attending this meeting is a who’s who of the world’s most brutal regimes, who are desperate to obliterate our Second...