Download PDF Version Here SUMMARY Universal background checks make it a crime for gun owners to buy, sell, or give away firearms to anyone, even members of their immediate family, without first going through a federal NICS check. But a NICS check creates a paper trail...
Download PDF Version Here SUMMARY SAPA legislation is based on a constitutional principle that has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court multiple times, called anti-commandeering. It is the idea that the feds can’t commandeer the resources of our state to enforce...
Download PDF Version Here SUMMARY Iowa has had Stand-Your-Ground (SYG) law in place since 2017. Despite this, gun owners in Iowa are presumed guilty in any use of force situation. In almost 20 other states, gun owners are presumed innocent until the state proves their...
Download PDF Version Here SUMMARY Gun Grabbers at all levels of government have been attempting to ban “Assault Weapons” and limit ammo capacity for decades. They have no definition of “Assault Weapon.” If it looks scary to them, they want to ban it. Banning “Assault...
Download PDF Version Here SUMMARY Red Flag Gun Seizure legislation allows gun owners to have their firearms and ammunition confiscated through judicial orders before they’ve been charged, let alone convicted, of a crime. Federal legislation enacted in 2022 allows Joe...