🚨🚨 Iowa Receives Millions to Enforce Red Flag Laws!

I don’t like being proven right when it means bad things for our Second Amendment rights. But that’s where things are.

After Phoni Joni Ernst helped Joe Biden allocate 750 million dollars to use in bribing states into passing ‘Red Flag’ laws last summer, I assumed that this fight was coming to Iowa.

And now, it has.

We’ve just learned that the State of Iowa has received a stunning $2,478,792 from the federal government to aid in the enforcement of a ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ law here in Iowa!

The purpose of this money is obvious: give Iowa politicians a taste of this money and promise them tens of millions of additional dollars if they pass ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures!’

(The State of Iowa received $2.5 million from Joe Biden to enforce Red Flag Gun Seizures, which we don’t have, yet!)

Please sign the petitions that we’ve prepared for you, demanding that your legislators in Des Moines vote no on ‘Red Flag’ laws!


And please hurry.

You see, thanks to the work of IGO members over the years, everyone in Des Moines knows that attempts to ban AR-15s or register firearms will fail.

But with millions of federal dollars on the line and RINOs across the country backing ‘Red Flags,’ this is becoming a very dangerous threat! 

And that became especially true when Joni Ernst voted for this garbage last summer. By our count, close to a dozen Republicans who were a ‘Hell No’ to Red Flags became a ‘Maybe’ when that happened.

If enacted, ‘Red Flag’ laws would allow virtually anyone to claim that you are a danger to yourself or someone else and ask a judge to order the seizure of your firearms.

And because these court proceeding at held ex-parte, you won’t know a thing about it until the cops are at your door!

But that’s just the beginning.

‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation would also:

  • Obliterate our due process rights by allowing a liberal judge to order the confiscation of your firearms before you have been arrested, charged, or convicted of anything!

    An Iowan with no criminal background whatsoever could have his firearms confiscated before he ever sets foot in a courtroom. You would have more rights in traffic court!

  • Create bogus ‘evidence’ that could be used against you in a ‘red flag’ hearing. The recent purchase of a firearm or ammo could be used against you in these hearings!

    Almost every version of ‘Red Flags’ that our team has ever reviewed lists off the purchase of a gun or ammunition as proof that you’re dangerous. It’s a no-win situation.

  • Institute an almost built-in renewal process where you would have to prove your innocence in court, otherwise, the seizure order would apply for another year!

    So if you’re unable to afford a lawyer to deal with this, can’t take time off of work, or are simply angry that you need to prove your innocence, you’ll remain ‘Red Flagged.’  

This is what the Radical Left has wanted for a very long time: the ability to bureaucratically disarm gun owners in America — without the ‘hassle’ of convicting them of a crime.


There was a time when I would have assumed that this bill would be dead on arrival here in Des Moines. But not anymore.

Iowa has already taken millions from Biden for ‘Red Flags’ and they’ll get tens of millions more if they pass this bill into law. 

That’s why I hope you’ll immediately sign your petitions, so when the legislature reconvenes, they’ll have stacks of these petitions on their desks!

In addition to your signed petition, Iowa Gun Owners is preparing a massive program to confront this danger head on.

We’re still developing this program, but I intend to throw the ‘kitchen sink’ at this, using a combination of:

  1. Hard-hitting digital and social media ads that we’ll boost across the state, ensuring that tens of thousands of gun owners are aware of this threat and take action!

    These ads are extremely affordable, because once you see one on social media you can share it, greatly boosting its reach and the calls/emails/petitions that it helps generate.

  2. Our massive email and direct mail programs to mobilize IGO members (but especially other gun owners.) Few things convey the seriousness of this situation like these updates.

    Our email program works so well because it allows gun owners to contact the legislature with 1-click of their mouse. Our direct mail is powerful because Big Tech can’t censor it!

  3. Scaling up our text message program that allows us to put alerts right onto the cell phones of tens of thousands of gun owners in less than thirty minutes!

    These texting campaigns are fantastic, because they appear right on a gun owner’s phone and have built in action links that enable almost immediate action. 

Every part of our program is designed for one purpose: to make sure that every State Senator and every State Representative here in Iowa knows that gun owners expect them to oppose ‘Red Flag’ laws! 

You see, Iowa Gun Owners isn’t like other organizations.

We don’t blindly trust our Republican majorities to do the right thing when it comes to gun control. That’s how Indiana and Florida ended up with Red Flags laws on the books.

No, we’re going to get loud and make sure when session resumes that everyone in Des Moines knows what will happen to their careers if they support any form of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures.’

Your petitions are a key part of this program.


So please sign yours right away. And after you do, please consider including a donation of $100 as we are only able to implement the program I laid out above with your support.

The ‘Red Flag’ issue has gone from a concern to keep an eye on, to a very real threat. And with millions of dollars already sent to the State of Iowa, next session is going to be very dangerous.

We need to get loud and hold the line!

So if $100 just isn’t possible, please consider a donation of $50, $25 or at least $17.76!

(The ‘Red Flag’ map is growing, and it’s not just happening in ‘blue states.’ We must hold the line.)

When Iowa Gun Owners was launched fifteen years ago, the gun rights issue was largely Democrat v Republican.

It’s not that way anymore.

These days the fight for gun rights is between Democrats/RINOs v Conservatives and grassroots gun owners — and we have a lot of RINOs here in Des Moines.

And with tens of millions of federal dollars tempting them, we can’t take anything for granted!

So please sign your petition and make a generous donation today!

For Iowa,

Aaron Dorr
Iowa Gun Owners

P.S. Last summer Joe Biden signed legislation that gave him $750 million to use in bribing states into passing ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures — Iowa just received 2.5 million of it!

‘Red Flag’ laws allow liberal judges to order the seizure of your firearms through secret hearings and before you’ve been charged, arrested, or convicted of anything.

And with tens of millions of federal dollars on the line,  we need to take this threat very seriously! 


Fight back! Sign your petition against ‘Red Flags’ now and then make a donation so we can hold the line!