The 2019 legislative session had its ups and downs.
We stopped ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation and every other gun-control bill, but weak-kneed Republican moderates killed Constitutional Carry and every other pro-gun bill!
In our annual newsletter, we talk about this and everything else that happened during the 2019 legislative session.
So for all the latest on politics, leadership changes at Iowa Gun Owners, and the latest gun winners, check out our 2019 membership newsletter below.
If you are a member of Iowa Gun Owners, you should have received a physical copy of this newsletter in your mailbox on Monday or Tuesday.
Please be sure to read it, and sign and return your petition opposing ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation for the 2020 session.
Alternatively, you can sign your petition online right here!
And remember, with all new or renewed memberships in Iowa Gun Owners during the month of July, you will receive a FREE T-Shirt, along with your decal and membership card.
So join or renew your support today!
In the meantime, enjoy reading the annual newsletter.
For Iowa,
Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Iowa Gun Owners
P.S. The 2019 Iowa Gun Owners membership newsletter is here.
Sign your petition against ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation here!