It’s been an extremely busy week in the fight for the Second Amendment in the State Capitol!
As of right now, the following Senators have added their name to Senator Bertrand’s Constitutional Carry bill:
Senator Brad Zaun
Senator Jake Chapman
Senator Jason Schultz
Senator Randy Feenstra
Senator Jerry Behn
Senator Mark Segebart
Senator Craig Johnson
Senator Thomas Greene
Senator Mark Chelgren
Senator Dennis Guth
Senator Roby Smith
It only takes one mouse click!
But if your Senator’s name is not listed — I need you to contact them right away and urge them to join their colleagues and add their name onto this bill!
You can send them our PRE-WRITTEN email right now, by hitting this link!
Constitutional Carry is sweeping the nation right now and is already law in thirteen states, and it’s on the move right now in another dozen!
Right now, while we have these legislative majorities, is our best chance to advance this legislation here in Iowa.
So please take a moment to thank the legislators listed above, but be sure you contact the names listed below as well, and make sure that they stand up for gun owners.
Constitutional Carry is a very simple concept.
If you’re legally eligible to own a firearm, you would be able to carry that firearm without having to pay fees or add your name to a government database!
But momentum is key right now, before we begin the committee process.
Please contact:
Senator Jeff Edler, 641-751-5902
Senator Waylon Brown, 641-590-0610
Senator Dan Dawson, 712-256-1199
Senator Tim Kraayenbrink, 515-408-4770
Senator Charles Schneider, 515-554-3213
Senator Michael Breitbach, 563-933-6486
Senator Dan Zumbach, 563-920-5094
Senator Jim Carlin, 712-253-4270
Senator Ken Rozenboom, 641-295-6551
Senator Tim Kapucian, 515-250-7769
Senator Amy Sinclair, 641-870-0199
We’ve made it extremely easy for you to take action.
Simply click here to email them all, at one time!
If you click on the names above, you can message them on Facebook and you can call them using the numbers we listed above.
I can’t stress enough how important it is that these legislators hear from you before the session reconvenes on Monday.
The cosponsor window will be closing late next week. Please act now!
When you’re done, please share this with your friends and family and urge them to send this pre-written email, too!
For Freedom,

P.S. Momentum for Constitutional Carry is booming in Des Moines. Already we have a dozen legislators backing this bill by cosponsoring it.
If your Senator was one of the legislators who cosponsored, listed above, send them this thank you.
But there are many other Senators who we believe will back this bill if they hear from gun owners.
Please contact them, by forwarding this PRE-WRITTEN email right now!