Bloomberg Targeting Iowa Teenagers!

Michael Bloomberg is spending millions of dollars trying to spread his NYC elitism to 17 and 18 year old Iowans — right now — hoping to turn them into anti-gun voters in time for the fall elections!

This is all according to a recent press release from his ‘Everytown for Gun Safety,’ announcing they are targeting young people in thirteen states.

As you can see from a portion of the press release below, Bloomberg and his army have their sights set squarely on Iowa!

For Bloomberg, targeting young Iowans with his gun control agenda will serve two purposes at the same time.

First, he hopes to flip the Iowa House of Representatives. If he succeeds, every pro-gun bill will be dead for at least two years and a gun control bills will start to move.

Second, he hopes that his efforts in Iowa will lead to President Trump losing Iowa, hampering his chances at reelection.

And if you think that that’s not possible, that Iowa could not possibly elect Joe Biden, remember that Iowa went for Obama in 2008 and again in 2012!

That’s why Iowa Gun Owners is already gearing up for what promises to be a very nasty election season, one that has serious ramifications on the future of our gun rights.

As a long time supporter of this organization, I need to ask you for your help, so that I know what kind of a budget we will have to work with later this year.

So please make a generous contribution right now, to help us get prepared for this fight!


And unlike previous election cycles, we need to focus on more than just the General Assembly this fall.

We also must expose the extremely aggressive gun control agenda that Iowa Congresswomen Cindy Axne and Abby Finkenauer have been supporting for the last 24 months — an agenda that they are trying to keep quiet.

Between that, a U.S. Senate race, a Presidential race, and the General Assembly, Iowa Gun Owners is going to be working around the clock to fight for gun owners.

But we can’t do this without your help. It’s just that simple.

So if you can donate $500 to $1,000 right now, please do.

If you can donate $100 right now, please do.

Or maybe it’s some other amount, $50, $25, $10, whatever you can afford, please make a donation today to help Iowa Gun Owners get ready for this fight

There has been a war on in our schools for the heart and soul of our children for a long time. We saw it throughout 2018 right here in Iowa, as schools allowed students to leave class for gun control rallies.

We see it in the curriculum’s that they force on our kids.

And now Bloomberg is weighing in…trying to sever the love of freedom that you and I have from the next generation!

It’s time to fight back, please stand with us today.

For Iowa,

Aaron Dorr
Iowa Gun Owners

P.S. Michael Bloomberg hates proud gun owners like you and me, and he is determined to turn our children and grandchildren into radical socialists, just like he is.

He’s spending millions of dollars on state level programs, trying to convince young people to vote for gun control in 2020 — and Iowa is one of his main targets!

Iowa Gun Owners is fighting back! For the Second Amendment, for our freedoms, for the future of our state. But we need your help.

Please stand with us and stand up for your freedoms, by making a generous donation to Iowa Gun Owners today!


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