Take Action: Schumer Moving Fast on Red Flag Gun Seizures!

Take Action: Schumer Moving Fast on Red Flag Gun Seizures!

“This whole gun fight is going to come down to ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures.’ Moderates in the GOP think they can vote for that without getting burned…and if they pass ‘Red Flags,’ Biden will use that momentum to go for AR-15’s and mags next.” That’s what one highly...
NEXT STEPS: Iowa Needs SAPA Law Now!

NEXT STEPS: Iowa Needs SAPA Law Now!

With the fight for Constitutional Carry in the rearview mirror here in Iowa, the question I have received more than any other over the last ten days is, ‘what good does that do if Biden crushes the Second Amendment?’ And that was before Biden unveiled executive orders...
URGENT! Executive Order Gun Control Happening TODAY!

URGENT! Executive Order Gun Control Happening TODAY!

By now you’ve heard that today, Joe Biden is going to hold a press conference announcing executive action against our Second Amendment, in an attempt to gut our Constitution and pay back the Gun Control Lobby for helping install him in power. This is very time...
The Fight for Constitutional Carry is Over!

The Fight for Constitutional Carry is Over!

Unless you’ve been out of town for a week and missed our previous email updates and our social media platforms, you know that the fight for Constitutional Carry is officially OVER! H.F. 756 was signed into law late Friday afternoon by Governor Reynolds, making Iowa...
NEXT STEPS: Iowa Needs SAPA Law Now!

Our Freedoms Are Hanging in the Balance!

Our gun rights are facing more threats that at any time since President Obama made his big push for the Manchin-Toomey gun control bill in April of 2013. Iowa Gun Owners has put out over 100 legislative alerts since the day that Congress certified the results of the...
Video Update on Constitutional Carry Law!

Video Update on Constitutional Carry Law!

It’s been almost two weeks since the Iowa legislature passed Constitutional Carry law, a monumental advancement in Second Amendment freedom for law abiding Iowans who are sick of being tracked, traced, and registered like criminals, just to carry a gun. But Governor...