Constitutional Carry continues to advance in the Iowa Senate, and is now scheduled for a vote in the full Judiciary Committee!
The committee is scheduled to vote on the bill THIS THURSDAY!
This is a fantastic step, but now we need your help to ensure that this bill moves through the Judiciary Committee as soon as possible.
It is not a ‘done deal’ that we are going to pass this committee, and the members need to hear from you immediately!
Now that it’s cleared a sub-committee and is being considered by the full Judiciary Committee — I can assure you that anti-gun legislators, the media, and Bloomberg-funded activists will do everything they can to stop this bill.
It’s essential that you and I counter their lies and spin with as much grassroots support as possible.
Some lawmakers are spreading the lie that Constitutional Carry would allow felons and mentally handicapped people to carry guns — which is completely false.
Others are saying that Constitutional Carry would make it illegal to carry a loaded handgun — which is also completely false.
Still others are saying that Constitutional Carry would only be valid if you are in your car — which is totally false.
These are just some of the lies that we have to counter.
Your calls and emails are what helped this bill rack up an astounding 17 cosponsors, which shocked political insiders in Des Moines.
And it was your activism that helped move this bill through the sub-committee last week.
But with each step forward, we alert and mobilize more enemies to the Second Amendment. So please take action now.
And please consider chipping in $10 or $20 to help Iowa Gun Owners maintain this fight!
For Freedom,

P.S. Having been approved by a Senate Sub-Committee, Constitutional Carry legislation (S.F. 2106) has been scheduled to be considered by the full Judiciary Committee!
The committee will take up the bill THIS THURSDAY at 2:00pm.
The lies and spin about what Constitutional Carry law does — and does not do — are endless.
And that’s why I need you to contact the committee members right away, using our PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL, and urge them to advance this bill with no weakening amendments.
When you’re done, please consider an immediate donation to Iowa Gun Owners, as we’re working to activate tens of thousands of Iowans right now using mail, email, and social media!
The pressure is adding up, but we don’t dare back down now. Please do what you can, right away!