Don’t Let Your Membership Run Out!

Your membership in Iowa Gun Owners expires TOMORROW!

If you’ve already renewed your membership and our system simply hasn’t updated fast enough, please accept my apology for this email. But if you haven’t renewed, please do so right away.

2021 was a major year in our fight to defend the Second Amendment. Joe Biden and the radical left came into power determined to ban, confiscate, and destroy our firearms through ‘Red Flag’ laws, a national gun registry, and a ban on our AR-15’s.

We’ve held the line, for now. But 2022 is going to be WHITE HOT as Biden goes ‘all in’ to pass gun control before the American people take back control of Congress in November!

And while we fight to stop Biden’s agenda in Congress, Iowa Gun Owners is also leading the fight for the Second Amendment Preservation Act, to blunt the impact of Biden’s Executive Orders that attack our gun rights.

2022 will decide if ‘We the People’ preserve our freedoms and hand them down to our children and grandchildren — or if our nation crumbles and slides into tyranny.

Please continue to stand with us for freedom in 2022, by renewing your membership in Iowa Gun Owners IMMEDIATELY!


All membership renewals of $75 or higher entitle you to a free t-shirt from Iowa Gun Owners, so please be generous!

For Iowa,

Aaron Dorr
Iowa Gun Owners