The fake news media and NYC billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s front-group here in Des Moines are actually calling the last session of the Iowa General Assembly a partial victory!
When I saw a recent Washington Post report detailing the gun-grabbers so-called “effectiveness” at derailing pro-gun bills nationally -– including right here in Iowa -– I could hardly believe my eyes.
What about IGO members’ success in passing Stand-Your-Ground — part of the largest gun bill in Iowa history — during the last legislative session?
What about the fact that exactly ZERO gun control bills have passed the Iowa Legislature since our formation in 2009?
The gun-grabbers and their pals in the media know our next step is passage of Constitutional Carry here in Iowa.
And they know anti-gun activists like Michael Bloomberg — even armed with hundreds of thousands of dollars — are no match for the consistent action of good folks like you.
So the media is doing everything they can to discredit your hard-earned victories — even helping gun-grabbers take credit for fights they haven’t won!
Below you’ll find a special petition to your State Representative and Senator in support of Constitutional Carry.
Won’t you please sign and submit it back to me at once?
If you do so, your name will be entered to win a special .357 Sig Sauer P229 on September 22, 2017.
This is the gun the Secret Service uses to protect President Trump from the hordes of violent anti-gun leftists you and I see rioting, pushing fake news, and even shooting up Members of Congress.
If you can possibly make a contribution of $35 or more, I’ll rush you a new Iowa Gun Owners member T-shirt and we’ll even cover the shipping!
As you may know, IGO has conducted special gun giveaways like this online on occasion. But NEVER once through the mail.
But I’m doing this now because it’s so critical we hit the ground running the moment the Iowa General Assembly goes back into session.
So please sign your petition right away!
With the media on the rampage, it’s critical that every member of the Iowa General Assembly sees a stack of petitions a mile high in favor of Constitutional Carry on their first day back in session.
With your help, Iowa Gun Owners is determined to make that happen.
If passed here in Iowa, Constitutional Carry would restore the right of every law-abiding Iowa citizen to carry a gun to protect themselves and their families –- WITHOUT going through a bunch of bureaucratic rigmarole!
In short, if you’re legally able to own a firearm, you’re legally able to carry it. Period.
After passage of Stand-Your-Ground just last year, I’m confident that if we can turn up enough heat, it can happen here in Iowa -– no matter what shenanigans the gun-grabbers and their pals in the press try to pull.
But ramping up the pressure on the General Assembly is going to take resources. That’s why I’m hoping I can count on you today.
>>> First, please sign and return the enclosed Constitutional Carry petition.
If you do so, your name will automatically be entered to win a .357 Sig Sauer P229 — the gun the Secret Service uses to protect the President;
>>> Second, please agree to your most generous contribution.
If you can give $35 or more, I’ll rush you a special IGO Member T-shirt. But my hope is that you’ll agree to $100 or $50. Or, if that’s too much, please just give whatever you can afford.
You’re a critical part of Iowa Gun Owners’ winning team, as proven by our success in passing Stand-Your-Ground just this year.
But with the fake news media and their anti-gun pals on the attack like never before, we have to stay in the fight.
So please sign and return your petition and agree to a generous contribution of $100, $50 or whatever you can afford today!
For Freedom,

If you do so, your name will be entered to win a special .357 Sig Sauer P229 on September 22, 2017 — the gun the Secret Service uses to protect President Trump from the hordes of violent anti-gun leftists you and I see rioting, pushing fake news, and even shooting up Members of Congress.
And, if you can possibly make a contribution of $35 or more, I’ll rush you a new Iowa Gun Owners member T-shirt as well!