While Biden increased his hold over the Senate, he’s lost control of the House. That’s why he’s attacking gun owners through an onslaught of tyrannical Executive Orders designed to cripple our gun rights. Worse, Biden’s counting on Iowa cops to enforce them! That’s...
Chip in $10 ‘VOTE NO’ on ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ Legislation! Whereas: ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures’ are an unconstitutional attack on my freedoms because they allow the courts to confiscate my guns through secret court proceedings that I don’t even know about and before...
Chip in $10 Don’t Let Iowa Pass Red Flags! Joe Biden is offering Iowa RINOs tens of millions of dollars if they pass ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation, and in the wake of several recent shootings, the pressure is rising in Des Moines! Red Flag Gun Seizures allow...
Chip in $10 OPPOSE THE ‘ASSAULT WEAPONS’ BAN! Radical leftists in Des Moines are doing everything they can to pass a so-called “Assault Weapons” ban, which would make it a felony to buy an AR-15 or similar firearm! Dictators throughout the 20th Century used similar...
Joe Biden and the Radical Left are enraged after losing control of the House, as it limits their ability to ram gun control through Congress. That’s why Biden intends to roll out one Executive Order after the next this year, mandating gun control by fiat! That’s why...