With the elections on the horizon, Joe Biden is going all in trying to ram gun control into law in D.C. And if he is successful, Iowa cops would be required to enforce that tyranny here in Iowa! That’s why Iowa needs the Second Amendment Preservation Act (HF...
Joe Biden and the tyrants at the ATF are using the National Firearms Act (NFA) to target law-abiding gun owners! Recently, Merrick Garland used the NFA as a justification for banning “pistol braces” without even a vote in Congress! The National Firearms Act (NFA) —...
Joe Biden is unleashing on gun owners, signing an Executive Orders that redefine what a gun dealer it, that makes felons out of gun owners who own unregistered pistol braces, even attacking gun owners who own 80% lowers in some cases! This is the kind of tyranny that...
Chip in $10 OPPOSE THE ‘ASSAULT WEAPONS’ BAN! Radical leftists in Des Moines are doing everything they can to pass a so-called “Assault Weapons” ban, which would make it a felony to buy an AR-15 or similar firearm! Dictators throughout the 20th Century used similar...
Joe Biden and the Radical Left are enraged after losing control of the House, as it limits their ability to ram gun control through Congress. That’s why Biden intends to roll out one Executive Order after the next this year, mandating gun control by fiat! That’s why...