Who’s Hiding From Gun Owners in the 3rd Congressional District?

“Since our recent email regarding Senate GOP primary candidate Mark Jacobs’ refusal to answer the Iowa Gun Owners candidate survey questionnaire, we’ve been flooded with calls, emails, and Facebook messages from gun owners wanting to know about other races. If you...

US Senate GOP Primary Update – Mark Jacobs Refuses Survey!

“Is Iowa Gun Owners affiliated with the National Association for Gun Rights…yeah, we’ve discussed this and we’re not filling out this candidate survey…” …so said Brian Dumas, campaign manager for Mark Jacobs when I stood in his office just yesterday...
Where Do Your Candidates Stand?

Where Do Your Candidates Stand?

Do you believe legislators — regardless of which political party they belong to — should be held accountable for voting against our gun rights? Or do you believe Second Amendment supporters should just look the other way if an anti-gun politician happens...

Iowa Gun Owners Membership Ballot

The General Assembly recently went back into session. I’ve been up virtually all night putting the finishing touches on Iowa Gun Owners’ program strategy for 2014. But there’s something I have to tell you. In the face of all the fights on our plate, I’m facing an...

Help Defeat Bloomberg’s Radical Iowa Gun Grab!

Things are about to get ugly. Fast. Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is preparing to spend MILLIONS to ram gun control into law here in Iowa. Days ago, insider sources in Des Moines told me a brand-new anti-gun group — backed with up to two million...