Will Grassley or Ernst Oppose Susan Collins’ Red Flag Law?

Will Grassley or Ernst Oppose Susan Collins’ Red Flag Law?

Dear Friend, If you know United States Senator Susan Collins from Maine, you know that she is a RINO-traitor to the Second Amendment who regularly votes for gun control. Now, Collins is taking her attacks to the next level. Susan Collins has just announced that she’s...
The 2024 Legislative Session Begins Today!

The 2024 Legislative Session Begins Today!

Dear Friend — It’s go time in the fight for freedom! The 2024 legislative session just kicked off here in Des Moines and with it, our fight to defend and expand the Second Amendment is going into high gear! Gun owners have accomplished a lot over the last few...

Watch: Aaron Dorr Interviews Vivek Ramaswamy!

Dear Friend — If you have watched any of the GOP debates this year, you know that political newcomer Vivek Ramaswamy has been shredding RINOs on the debate stage. But many of you have questions about Vivek. I did, too. Where does he think our gun rights came...
Video: Do These 5 Things If the ATF Knocks On Your Door!

Video: Do These 5 Things If the ATF Knocks On Your Door!

By now many of you have seen the video of ATF agents — in conjunction with local law enforcement — knocking on gun owners’ doors asking to examine their firearms. This has not been a one-time occurrence. Under the control of the Biden Crime Family, the...
Video: Hunter Biden and the Weaponization of Law Enforcement!

Video: Hunter Biden and the Weaponization of Law Enforcement!

One of the defining characteristics of America, that made us the envy of the world for almost 250 years, was our justice system. Unlike so many other nations, in America, the government didn’t have the power to wreck the lives of its political opponents. Unlike so...