We need to talk about this…

We need to talk about this…

No one is surprised when AOC co-sponsors a gun control bill. The young Democrats in D.C. these days are truly demented, hell-bent on disarming gun owners and destroying America. So when fifty Democrats signed on H.R. 715 in its early days, that wasn’t a surprise. But...
Critical Deadline Approaching in Des Moines on SAPA Legislation!

Critical Deadline Approaching in Des Moines on SAPA Legislation!

I have good news for you, and I have some bad news. The good news is that IGO’s Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA) legislation (HF-147) was just approved by a sub-committee in the House, meaning it can proceed. The bad news is that time is running out in the...
Dangerous: McCarthy Advancing Gun Control Bill in DC!

Dangerous: McCarthy Advancing Gun Control Bill in DC!

As we told you last week, despite Joe Biden attacking the Second Amendment every other day, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is doing nothing about it. McCarthy is refusing to put a gun bill on the floor for a vote. He won’t even send a pro-gun bill to committee...
SAPA Law, the 10th Amendment, and the Dorr Brothers…

SAPA Law, the 10th Amendment, and the Dorr Brothers…

Now that an Obama-appointed, lower court judge temporarily struck down Missouri’s Second Amendment Preservation Act, the gun community nationwide is buzzing about SAPA. That’s because SAPA is far from an average gun bill. While SAPA does protect gun owners from...
Must Watch Video: GOP-Sponsored Gun Control Filed!

Must Watch Video: GOP-Sponsored Gun Control Filed!

This is breaking news from Congress… Joe Biden has two primary goals when it comes to gun control for this Congress: ban our AR-15s and register every gun owner in America through bogus ‘Universal Background Checks.’ Of the two of these, registering gun owners...
Repeal the NFA Act Introduced in Washington, DC!

Repeal the NFA Act Introduced in Washington, DC!

Congressman Eric Burlison of Missouri has just introduced the REPEAL THE NFA  ACT (H.R. 450) that would repeal the 90-year old National Firearms Act! Joining Rep. Burlison in cosponsoring H.R. 450 are Congressmen Matt Gaetz (FL), Andy Biggs (AZ), Mary Miller (IL),...