Like most of you, I came home from work Tuesday evening and started skimming over the mail that my kids had placed on our kitchen table earlier in the day.Thankfully, my wife had already grabbed the bills so I didn’t have to deal with that –- but one letter caught my...
This is time sensitive! There are likely votes coming today so please take a moment to read this and take immediate action! As you know, for months now the Iowa Senate has been blocking Stand-Your-Ground (SF137) and Constitutional Carry (SF400) legislation from moving...
Moments ago, I finished a long phone call with our chief bill sponsor in the Iowa State Senate, Senator Rick Bertrand, about the current status of Stand-Your-Ground law here in Iowa. And I can tell you this, as a result of all your phone calls, Facebook messages,...
If you’ve been involved in the fight for gun rights for more than about 5 minutes, you’ve experienced the frustration that comes when an anti-gun politician arrogantly sneers at you when you ask him/her why they voted against a...