Any day now, I expect a loud knock on our office door. A slick anti-gun government lawyer — armed with trumped-up legal complaints from Michael Bloomberg-backed gun control organizations and their pals in the General Assembly — will be grinning from...
Folks, the fight for the 2nd Amendment is an ongoing battle. Some days you are taking back major portions of our rights and watching gun owners bounce anti-gunners out of office, and some days you’re wondering if your 5-shot S&W revolver will be taken away...
I just finished working the phone lines with my inside sources in Des Moines. Now, with the next session of the Iowa General Assembly rapidly approaching, I’m bracing for a major fight. Gun-grabbers are loudly threatening to force “Universal Background...
Mandatory waiting periods to buy guns – leaving those who likely need a gun the most, defenseless. Universal background checks – resulting in the government having a complete list of guns and their owners. Mental health expansion laws – designed to...
As you may have heard, recent polling shows that Ben Carson is currently in 2nd place here in Iowa if the caucuses were held today. Whenever a new poll comes out, our office gets flooded with calls, emails, and Facebook messages from gun owners in Iowa wanting to know...