Dreadful Anti-Gun Additions to Omnibus Gun Bill – Help Us Stop It!

I really wish it hadn’t come to this. The fight for gun rights has taken a devious and nasty turn here in Des Moines and I need you to read this email and take immediate action to help us stop a wolf in sheep’s clothing – before it devours your gun rights. As you’ll...
Iowa: Stand Your Ground Blocked by Senate Leadership!

Iowa: Stand Your Ground Blocked by Senate Leadership!

It all comes down to control of the Iowa Senate. Yesterday, your right to bear arms suffered a blow because the radical anti-gunners who control the Senate, Majority leader Mike Gronstal and President Pro-Tem Steve Sodders, are terrified of allowing a vote on...

Gun Vote Likely Coming Today in Iowa Senate!

This is time sensitive! There are likely votes coming today so please take a moment to read this and take immediate action! As you know, for months now the Iowa Senate has been blocking Stand-Your-Ground (SF137) and Constitutional Carry (SF400) legislation from moving...

Iowa: Senate Leadership DETERMINED to Kill Multiple Pro-Gun Bills!

“Kansas lawmakers approve concealed carry without permit!” March 25, 2015 “New Hampshire State Senate has passed a bill to repeal the license requirement for carrying a concealed handgun.” February 22, 2015 “Constitutional carry, or permitless carry, has passed the...