Iowa Congressman Dave Loebsack Supporting Gun Control!

Since the day that gun control died in the US Senate last month, we’ve been warning that this fight was not over. President Obama made it clear that it was just the first step in a long process. Vice President Biden said that, “…the political dynamic has...
The Next Step for Gun Owners

The Next Step for Gun Owners

It feels good to win one once in a while, doesn’t it?! Yesterday, after being subjected to 4 months of withering attacks against our character and our way of life, gun owners watched as 7 out of 7 anti-gun amendments went down to defeat in the US Senate! The...
“Universal Background Check” Schemes

“Universal Background Check” Schemes

There is no way to enforce a “Universal Background Check” scheme without government keeping records of all firearms and firearm owners.   So-called “Universal Background Check” schemes are nothing more than a guise for gun...