IGO Unveils First Digital Ad of 2020!

IGO Unveils First Digital Ad of 2020!

As every gun owner in Iowa knows, ‘Lyin Dan Dawson’ is one of the main opponents to Constitutional Carry legislation in the Iowa Senate. As the Vice-Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Dawson has been able to exert pressure on the committee members, who held SF...
Support Constitutional Carry!!

Support Constitutional Carry!!

Moments ago, the 2020 legislative session kicked off in Des Moines. Support for Constitutional Carry is exploding here in Iowa! In fact, during the opening week of the Iowa legislature, over 4,000 emails hammered the Capitol in support of SF 165/HF 118! A caucus...
A New Tool in the Fight for Gun Rights!

A New Tool in the Fight for Gun Rights!

Do you ever get the idea that your lawmakers only want to hear from you every two years, when they are looking for your votes around the time of their re-election? If you’ve ever thought that way, it’s because it’s true. Sure, they may shake your hand at a county...


The 2020 session of the Iowa legislature kicked off with a bang yesterday in Des Moines! In the opening hours of the 2020 session, over 2,500 emails descended into the legislature from all corners of the state reminding lawmakers of two things: First, Iowans want...
Legislative Session Begins Today in Des Moines – Take Action!

Legislative Session Begins Today in Des Moines – Take Action!

Moments ago, the 2020 legislative session kicked off in Des Moines, meaning our fight to defend and expand our Second Amendment rights just went into high gear! And while it’s only the first day of the new session, I need you to take immediate action so that lawmakers...
Don’t Let Your Membership Run Out!

Don’t Let Your Membership Run Out!

Our fight to pass Constitutional Carry — not to mention defeating the mountain of gun control bills that radical socialists are filing in Des Moines — starts in just two weeks. With Republican leaders waving the white flag in the face of Bloomberg-funded...