For Immediate Release

For Immediate Release

For Immediate ReleaseContact: Aaron DorrContact: (515) 309-7858Email: [email protected] 13, 2017 Stand-Your-Ground Legislation Signed Into Law, Concluding a Multi-Year Effort!“Stand-Your-Ground law is a simple concept, but one that was vigorously opposed by...
Breaking: Stand-Your-Ground Law Passes the Legislature!

Breaking: Stand-Your-Ground Law Passes the Legislature!

You did it!Moments ago, the Iowa House of Representatives passed Stand-Your-Ground law, adopting the conforming change that was added in the Senate by a vote of 57-35 (with 8 not voting)!This means that Stand-Your-Ground law has cleared the legislature and is headed...
Stand-Your-Ground Law is Ready for Co-Sponsors!

Stand-Your-Ground Law is Ready for Co-Sponsors!

Since the day that Steve Sodders and Mike Gronstal were bounced out of the Iowa Senate, we’ve been focused on two issues: Stand-Your-Ground law and Constitutional Carry. Stopped just two votes short of passage in the anti-gun State Senate for the past two years,...
Now is the Time to Pass Stand-Your-Ground!

Now is the Time to Pass Stand-Your-Ground!

You hear the unmistakable sound of footsteps close behind you, as you approach your car. Is he looking for spare change, or another victim to rape or murder? The good news is, you’re armed, you’re trained, and you’re ready to do whatever it takes to protect both...

Iowa: It’s Our Time!

Like every one of you, I was ecstatic Tuesday night watching the results pour in from all corners of the state. First it was Brian Schoenjahn, a twelve year incumbent. We knew he was taking a beating early on in the night, but we were stunned to see the final vote as...